
Wednesday 24 September 2014

Paneer Sandwich Pakora

v Paneer                                                            250grams
v Oil                                                                   to deep fry
v Boondi                                                            1 cup
v Garlic                                                          8-10 cloves
v Whole dry red chilles                                      10-12
v Salt                                                                   to taste
v Lemon juice                                                 1tblespoon
v Gram flour(besan)                                          1cup 
v Ginger paste                                                1tblespoon  
v Garlic paste                                                 1tblespoon  
v Turmeric powder                                         ½teaspoon
v Red chilli powder                                        1tblespoon
v Soda bicarbonates                                         a pinch

v Salt                                                                  to taste   

Saturday 13 September 2014

hip hop dress for boys

B-boying or breaking, also called breakdancing, is a style of street dance that originated among Black and Puerto Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970s. The dance spread worldwide due to popularity in the media, especially in regions such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Russia and South Korea. While diverse in the amount of variation available in the dance, b-boying consists of four kinds of movement:toprock, downrock, power moves, and freezes. B-boying is typically danced to hip-hop, funk music, and especially breakbeats, although modern trends allow for much wider varieties of music along certain ranges of tempo and beat patterns.
A practitioner of this dance is called a b-boy, b-girl, or breaker. Although the term "breakdance" is frequently used to refer to the dance, "b-boying" and "breaking" are the original terms. These terms are preferred by the majority of the pioneers and most notable practitioners. 

street hip hop dress for girls

Hip hop is simultaneously a new and old phenomenon; the importance of sampling to the art form means that much of the culture has revolved around the idea of updating classic recordings, attitudes, and experiences for modern audiences—called "flipping" within the culture. It follows in the footsteps of earlier American musical genres such as blues, salsa, jazz, and rock and roll in having become one of the most practiced genres of music in existence worldwide, and also takes additional inspiration regularly from soul music, funk, and rhythm and blues.

cotton suit for women

A Patiala salwar (also called a pattian walee salwar) (Its also pronounced as Shalwar in Urdu) is a type of female trousers which has its roots in Patiala City in the Northern region of Punjab state in India. The King of Patiala in earlier times had its Royal dress as Patiala Salwar. The Patiala Salwar has a close resemblance to the pathani Suit which has similar loose lowers as salwars and long knee length top known as Kameez. Over the decade the dress now is not worn by men but has classically transformed itself with new cuts and styling into women's Patiala Salwar.
The reason why the patiala dress is preferred by most of the women of Punjab and other regions of Northern India is its comfortability and durability in summers. Since the patiala salwar is very loose and stitched with pleats its a very comfortable outfit to wear. Its distinguishing characteristic is folds of cloth stitched together that meet at the bottom. Patiala salwars require double the length of material to get stitched. The fall of the pleats of the Patiala Salwar is such that it gives a beautiful draping effect.
Patiala salwar with lots of pleats is also referred to as Patiala "Shahi" salwar since it was worn by the shahi (royal) people of Patiala city in state of Punjab. The Patiala salwar is worn as an alternative to the traditional Punjabi Salwar Suit.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

trousers for men

Trousers are an item of clothing worn from the waist to the ankles, covering both legs separately (rather than with cloth extending across both legs as in robes, skirts, and dresses). They are also called pants in the United States, Canada and elsewhere. In the UK and Ireland, the word "pants" generally means underwear and not trousers. Shorts are similar to trousers, but with legs that come down only to around the area of the knee, higher or lower depending on the style of the garment. To distinguish them from shorts, trousers may be called "long trousers" in certain contexts such as school uniform, where tailored shorts may be called "short trousers", especially in the UK.
In most of the Western world, trousers have been worn since ancient times and throughout the Medieval period, becoming the most common form of lower-body clothing for males in the modern world, although shorts are also widely worn, and kilts and other garments may be worn in various regions and cultures. Since the mid-20th century, trousers have increasingly been worn by females as well. Jeans, made of denim, are a form of trousers for casual wear, now widely worn all over the world by both sexes. Shorts are often preferred in hot weather or for some sports, and also often by children and teenagers. Trousers are worn at the hips or waist, and may be held up by their own fastenings, a belt, or suspenders (braces). Leggings are form-fitting trousers, of a clingy material, often knitted cotton and spandex.

dress code for men

One definition of business casual states that it includes khaki pants, slacks, and skirts, as well as short-sleeved polo shirts and long-sleeved shirts, but excludes "jeans, tennis shoes, tight or short skirts, t-shirts, and sweatshirts". Another source, an American university careers service, states that business casual consist of neutral colors more towards the dark shades of black, grey, navy, but can include white and off white, and reminds that the clothing should be pressed and have clean, crisp seams.
Another author wrote in the Financial Times that "Ordinarily business casual for guys seems fairly clear. It is a pair of chinos, a blazer and a good shirt, no tie.
A contributor to Forbes asked her Facebook friends to define Business Casual, and found an apparent consensus on "For men: trousers/khakis and a shirt with a collar. For women: trousers/knee-length skirt and a blouse or shirt with a collar. No jeans. No athletic wear.", although a response to that was "I disagree. No khakis." She states that "there’s a lack of consensus in what actually defines a business casual wardrobe. All most people know is they don’t want to see too much of a colleague’s body, including feet.
General acceptance of business casual was preceded by Casual Fridays.

business dress code

One definition of business casual states that it includes khaki pants, slacks, and skirts, as well as short-sleeved polo shirts and long-sleeved shirts, but excludes "jeans, tennis shoes, tight or short skirts, t-shirts, and sweatshirts". Another source, an American university careers service, states that business casual consist of neutral colors more towards the dark shades of black, grey, navy, but can include white and off white, and reminds that the clothing should be pressed and have clean, crisp seams.
Another author wrote in the Financial Times that "Ordinarily business casual for guys seems fairly clear. It is a pair of chinos, a blazer and a good shirt, no tie.
A contributor to Forbes asked her Facebook friends to define Business Casual, and found an apparent consensus on "For men: trousers/khakis and a shirt with a collar. For women: trousers/knee-length skirt and a blouse or shirt with a collar. No jeans. No athletic wear.", although a response to that was "I disagree. No khakis." She states that "there’s a lack of consensus in what actually defines a business casual wardrobe. All most people know is they don’t want to see too much of a colleague’s body, including feet.
General acceptance of business casual was preceded by Casual Fridays.

Friday 5 September 2014

wallets for women

A wallet is a small flat container, mostly of leather or fabric, that a person uses to hold cash, credit cards, identification cards, etc. Most men usually keep their purses.
Wallets, particularly in Europe, where larger coins are prevalent, contain also a coin purse wallets in their pockets, while women usually keep them in larger bags called  compartments. Some wallets have built-in clasps or bands to keep them closed.
As European banknotes, such as Euros and Pounds, are typically larger than American banknotes in size, they do not fit in some smaller American wallets.

wallets for men

Wallets were developed after the introduction of paper currency to the West in the 1600s. (The first paper currency was introduced in the New World by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1690.) Prior to the introduction of paper currency, coin purses (usually simple drawstring leather pouches) were used for storing coins. Early wallets were made primarily of cow or horse leather and included a small pouch for printed calling cards.
In recounting the life of the Elizabethan merchant, John Frampton, Lawrence C. Wroth describes the merchant as, "a young English-man of twenty-five years, decently dressed, ..., wearing a sword, and carrying fixed to his belt something he called a 'bowgett' (or budget), that is, a leathern pouch or wallet in which he carried his cash, his book of accounts, and small articles of daily necessity".

Sunday 31 August 2014

anklet in full

A toe ring or Bichiya, is a ring made out of various metals and non-metals worn on any of the toes. The second toe of either foot is where they are worn most commonly. This is because proportionately it's the longest toe and thus the easiest toe to put a ring on and stay without being connected to anything else. In most western countries they are a relatively new fashion accessory, and typically have no symbolic meaning. They are usually worn with barefoot sandals, anklets, bare feet or flip flops.

Like finger rings, toe rings come in many shapes and forms, from intricately designed flowers embedded with jewels to simple bands. Fitted toe rings are rings that are of one size, whereas adjustable toe rings have a gap at the bottom so they can be easily made to fit snugly.

toe rings

A toe ring or Bichiya, is a ring made out of various metals and non-metals worn on any of the toes. The second toe of either foot is where they are worn most commonly. This is because proportionately it's the longest toe and thus the easiest toe to put a ring on and stay without being connected to anything else. In most western countries they are a relatively new fashion accessory, and typically have no symbolic meaning. They are usually worn with barefoot sandals, anklets, bare feet or flip flops.
Like finger rings, toe rings come in many shapes and forms, from intricately designed flowers embedded with jewels to simple bands. Fitted toe rings are rings that are of one size, whereas adjustable toe rings have a gap at the bottom so they can be easily made to fit snugly.

kundan kamar challa

The chabi chhalla looks gorgeous. However it should have been a little heavier, the hook should have been longer & wider, & it should have been inserted just at the edge of the pleats of the saree. Not only it looks better that way, but the hook presses against the acupressure points related to the throat on the waist, thereby acting to keep it clear of phlegm.Attractive chabi chhalla is a good finishing touch to the saree attire.

The heavy chabi chhalla looks gorgeous. However it should have been inserted just at the edge of the pleats of the saree. Not only it looks better that way, but the hook presses against the acupressure points related to the throat on the waist, thereby acting to keep it clear of phlegm.

diamond kamar patta

All colours used in the Paintings are natural and paintings are made fully old traditional way by Chitrakaras that is Oriya Painter. Pattachitra style of painting is one of the oldest and most popular art forms of Odisha. The name Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. Pattachitra is thus a painting done on canvas, and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in depiction. The traditions of pattachitra paintings are more than thousand years old.

kamar patta

All colours used in the Paintings are natural and paintings are made fully old traditional way by Chitrakaras that is Oriya Painter. Pattachitra style of painting is one of the oldest and most popular art forms of Odisha. The name Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. Pattachitra is thus a painting done on canvas, and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in depiction. The traditions of pattachitra paintings are more than thousand years old.

Saturday 30 August 2014

crockery sets

Tableware is the dishes or dishware used for setting a table, serving food and for dining. Tableware can be meant to include cutlery and glassware. The nature, variety, and number of objects varies from culture to culture, religions, and cuisines.
In the United States, tableware is most commonly referred to as dinnerware. Dinnerware can be meant to include glassware, however not flatware. In Britain, the term crockery is sometimes used for ceramic dishes. In the USA, ceramic dinnerware can be referred to as china. Sets of dishes are often referred to as a table service or service set. Table settings or place settings are the dishes, flatware (cutlery), and glassware used by an individual for formal and informal dining. In Ireland such items are normally referred to as delph, with the term china often used for a higher cost product, such as the porcelain ware produced by Belleek Pottery. The word delph being an English language phonetic spelling of the word delft, named after the town from which so much delftware came from. In the United Kingdom, silver service or butler service are names of methods for serving a meal.

mobile back cover

These are the result of the relatively "naked" designs produced by manufacturers such as Apple, where the metal and glass components of the device are exposed and vulnerable to damage. These are distinct from holsters, in allowing use of the device while in the case, but in many instances include a belt clip or other device giving it the functionality of a holster. They are made of hard plastic, rubber, or in the newer market adhesive-backed vinyl pieces. Vinyl skins can be ordered on many websites and come pre-cut to fit your cell phone or even another electronic device. There exist two different types of vinyl material, calendared or cast, with the latter being more expensive. In short, calendared vinyl is expected to only be used for short durations while cast vinyl is used on a more long term basis. Calendared vinyl also tends to shrink in the heat, and fade. Cast vinyl avoids these problems, but costs up to 250% more (which still is a very cheap total cost). While the technology of these adhesive-backed skins continues to improve, the most up to date technology comes from 3M. The company has manufactured a cast vinyl product that they call "Controltac". This vinyl cover maintains a more glossy look and provides an air release channel that prevents bubbles during placement. The more popular is the cast vinyl because of the range of designs. There are even some which are 3D.


Sunglasses or sun glasses are a form of protective eye wear designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, as variously termed spectacles or glasses exist, featuring lenses that are colored, polarized or darkened. In the early 20th century they were also known as sun cheaters (cheaters being an American slang term for glasses).
Healthcare professionals recommend eye protection whenever the sun comes out to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation (UV) and blue light, which can cause several serious eye problems. Its usage is mandatory immediately after some surgical procedures such as IntraL ASIK and recommended for a certain time period in dusty areas, when leaving the house and in front of a TV screen or computer monitor after LASEK. Sunglasses have long been associated with celebrities and film actors primarily from a desire to mask their identity. Since the 1940s sunglasses have been popular as a fashion accessory, especially on the beach.